Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Iowa Wrestling Tournament Continued

This is the Mid-America Center where the tournament was held. Not its prettiest side, but this is the North Entry where the athletes went in. Now you can really feel like you were there!

This is Eva at the Iowa Tournament learning the word "back." Preston kept going too far away and we kept calling hime back. Eva soon joined in!

Iowa Wrestling Tournament Continued

This is the only period of this match that was caught without the help of little hands and therefore is really the only one worth posting. Kevin is in the red singlet still. This is versus Nowry, the last wrestler that Kevin competed against. The match was close. This period ends 3-0, Kevin the winner although Nowry went on to win the match. Kevin did his best. We are proud of him and ready to work hard preparing for October in Arizona!

2nd Period of Match vs. Erdman, Iowa Tournament

Here is the 2nd and last period of the match vs. Erdman. Kevin did awesome. Again, the red singlet is Kevin.

Iowa Wrestling Trip

First of all, a big thank you to all of our family and friends who made it possible for us to travel as a family all the way to Iowa. An especiallly big thank you to the Brown family for letting us stay at their home.

These videos always end up easier to load with one on a post at a time. I realized that these videos are really hard to see because we are sitting too far away to get a good view in the first place and then I have to reduce the quality to get it to post on blogspot. Sorry! Kevin is in the red singlet, to help you find him in this bad video! So, here is the first period of Kevin's match against Tyler Erdman, with the second period following in the next post.

Preston's Birthday Party Pictures

Well, here are Preston's birthday party pictures from March! We mostly got the present opening because the camera died after that. But, there is a picture of his cake in all its glory! His Toy Story party was very fun and eventful. Thank you to all who came: we had a house full of cousins, aunts, uncles and grandmas!

Here is the cake! It took hours and hours but the end result was worth it. The headboard of the bed is made from melted chocolate. The characters are just pieces of paper printed out and then laminated with packing tape. The wood "floor" was painted on with a paintbrush and thin dye. It was very fun to create, but even more fun to eat!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eva Video

Here is the "other half" to the video of Eva posted previously. I had to resize this one because it was one MB over the limit! But here she is in all her cuteness:

Eva Talking

Eva has been talking more and more, often whole sentences that we can't quite understand. She really loves her tongue and uses it a lot more than is necessary :) So far, this is what we've caught from her:
Shoe, hi, daddy, plane, dog, ball, shh!, boot, bye, book, hand, eye, maca (apple in Portuguese), apple, outside, Mae (what she calls me, mom in Portuguese), pao (bread in Portuguese), please, obrigada (thank you in Port), GG, tres, Pai, Ann (for KeriAnn), hat, agua, three, Nao (no in Port), I want that, Jaden (a neighbor kid), done, knock-knock, run and today a very good attempt at "black."

She knows the following animal noises: tweet, grrr (her fav), bunny face (a close second), woof, meow, moo, neigh, buzz, quack, elephant noise, and a fishy face/noise. She also likes to pretend to snore.

She is trying new words out even if she doesn't say them perfectly. She is starting to copy more and more. She pronounced a lot of the French alphabet when Daddy was practicing out loud. She will fold her arms and mumble like she is saying a prayer. On Sunday, she took the hymn book and pretended to sing a song "ohh, ahhh, ohhh" and then right after she folded her arms and mumbled a prayer, eyes shut tight! She has the pattern down (at church we usually sing a hymn and then say a prayer). At dinner time and every single time we sit at the table she insists on saying prayer by folding her arms and then pointing to everyone who isn't folding their arms yet. She will start the prayer with her arms folded and her eyes shut tight, but she almost always "sneaks" bites of her food during the prayer. She really does think she is sneaky because she always keeps one arm "folded" close to her body and tries really hard not to open her eyes in order to get her food. It is quite hilarious.

When we ask her where the baby is she points to my tummy and will often come up and kiss it. I think she understands that she is getting a cute little sister soon. She points to babies in books and then to my tummy and then shows us her rocking motion, pretending she has a baby in her arms.

A friend in the ward was babysitting for us on Saturday and she said when Eva saw a wrestling poster up in her son's room she put her hands up over her head and shouted "Wooh hooh!" She recognizes wrestling and knows how to cheer for dad! She does the same thing when we turn onto the street of the wrestling gym. As soon as we get there, it's "Wooh hooh!" and sometimes even "Wooh hooh Daddy!"

I feel like I am missing the "little" stories quite a bit recently. Hopefully, this post will keep me motivated to do more of the everyday cuteness stories that our cute kids always have.