Sunday, October 31, 2010


The Hunter Halloween experience. Eva was Cindy Lou Who. Ellie was Ellie Lou Who. Mommy was Betty Lou Who. And the boys couldn't be talked into being the Grinch, so they were Spiderman. Of course. Eva was very good about being tortured into this hair-do -- twice. Mommy had to do a test run with the hair to make sure she could do it.


Test run hair.

Ellie is screaming, not laughing. But you can pretend she is laughing. Preston is wearing Spiderman jammy pants and a red shirt with a very small spider sticker on it. Plus the mask. Dad sports the spiderman beanie.Ellie has a little curl and there was a bow, but I think it fell off before this picture.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ellie Videos

Eva's Birthday Clothes!

A big thank you to Grandma Anderson, Aunt KeriAnn, and Jason and family!
Eva's many outfits:
From Grandma Anderson. Two pink shirts from Savers: Children's Place and Old Navy Brand. About 3.50 each!
Cute red sweater shirt and corduroy pants from Savers: Crazy 8 and Old Navy brand, respectively. She went trudging through mud the first day she wore the white pants.

This outfit is from KeriAnn. Green zebra shirt with zebra skirt and cute new brown shoes from Crazy 8. The first time Eva saw this Zebra shirt she went up to it and pet it (the zebra has hair). The tights are from grandma Anderson, but match this outfit along with about three or four others.

Close up on the adorable shoes.

Same outfit but with the pink zebra shirt that KeriAnn got her.
Same white corduroys as above, with cute pink shirt from savers. Long sleeve, with a bow on front and buttons up the back.

Close up on shirt.

Most adorable dress and little sweater. This is a perfect little holiday outfit, plus it is doubling as her Halloween costume because she is going to be Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch.

Fancy tu-tu from Jason and Kristy and family.
The following is a photo shoot of the pink shirt outfit:

Preston just had to be in the pictures too!

Once there was a snowman:

Close up of cute new blue polka-dot 3/4 length shirt from Savers: old navy.

Eva posing so pretty. New blue pants that match the polka dot shirt perfectly.

Preston had to pose pretty too. And had to take pictures of his clothes as well:

Katelynne Visits!

Katelynne came all the way to Idaho and drove with us to Utah and back. We had a blast with her here. So much fun that we didn't think of picture taking until she left! We have a few of her in the car on the way to drop her off at the airport.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some Preston/Eva Moments

Look at how she adores him!

Pushing Eva.

Trying to feed Eva at Olive Garden with GG, Kevin, and KeriAnn.

Reading Eva a story.

Enjoying yummy brownie batter.

Popcorn and a movie on the Spiderman couch.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Eva and Bows

Ellie's First Bath

Elisabeth's first bath. She's a cutie!

All Clean!

Getting behind the ears!

She really liked her bath. The water was very soothing for her, even with Preston and Eva splashing her trying to help.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Random Pictures

My very first cheesecake, two layers with Oreo crust and chocolate drizzle topping. It was GOOD.

Preston has been my little helper in the kitchen. He loves wearing his apron.

This is Eva after putting on mommy's lipstick. Very pretty.

Ellie is already a choco-holic. Hooray for whoppers!

My cute little ones hanging out in their diapers. Ellie is getting really strong with her head now. She holds it up all by herself and looks around the room while on her tummy.