Monday, June 20, 2011


fldsajglkjsa this is a test

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I love you the most!

And who does Eva love the most...?

At least KeriAnn is the best at brainwashing :)

Ice Skating Wednesday, June 1st

We had a really fun time ice skating. We think Eva would really enjoy figure skating lessons when she gets older. She loved being on the ice. Preston was pretty good at it. We went again on Saturday and by then, he was getting the hang of it, almost willing to skate a little by himself! We are glad we live pretty close to the ice rink, hopefully we will go again!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Aunt KeriAnn and Aunt Katelynne Visit!

In pieces... We did so much I will have to post one activity at a time. We had a lot of fun. Here is our picnic at the park...

We ran into each other while spining the spinny thing and Katelynne fell down. :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Remainder of the Zoo

Anteater and Maned Wolf in the same cage, apparently anteaters don't taste good!

Goats and llamas: Preston and Eva decided not to pet them. Ellie thought they were cool. Mommy and Daddy pet them.

Spider Monkeys, hyped up on peanut butter:

Gila Monster:


Little Meerkat things and kids in a cave:

Komodo Dragon, real one and not a real one:

Red Panda:


Stroller stuck in the tunnel:


Ellie and the Lions, before one attacked the glass:




Overall Zoo-ness:

Andean Condors:


The End. Hope you enjoyed the Boise Zoo.

Carousel Ride at the Zoo

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Really Cute Toy We Bought at the Gift Shop...

Ellie and the Lions

Ellie and the Lions. They really bonded or the lion tried to eat her, one or the other! Ellie really seemed to like them. She was a happy little girl, excited to see lions up close. We were the only ones in the inside lion viewing area. Ellie seemed pretty interested so I let her watch them through the glass all by herself standing up. She was bout five feet away from us, standing up against the glass for awhile. Then, all of a sudden, a lion jumped up from where it was sleeping and ran over to where Ellie was standing and pounced on the glass. She let out a little cry of fright, but she didn't really start to cry. I ran over to her thinking she was going to start screaming her head off, but she just stayed there. And then we got the rest on film...enjoy!

Zoo Slides

The Zoo had two different slides to play on. The kids took advantage of that, but of course, Eva wouldn't go without mommy or daddy.

Zoo Boise with the Hunters

We went to the Zoo!!! It was so fun. We all had a great time and got tired out. We went for the last day of Preston's pre-school. His friends Gavin and Avin were there, along with some little brothers and sisters. There were a lot of animals to see, but we managed to go around the whole zoo. I think we got to see them all! All three kids were really well-behaved. They listened well and stayed close and were hardly ever in the stroller that we brought. :) We all really liked the gibbon monkeys, red panda, maned wolf, Indian flying fox (a bat), python, lions, anteater, spider monkeys, sloth, and the cotton-top monkeys. There was a lot to see! The leopards and tigers weren't very active (we couldn't even find the leopard). The gift store was fun. The kids even got to ride on the carousel, which made mommy and daddy want to vomit. I guess we aren't Six Flags type of people. Thanks for the fun day Zoo Boise and Grandma Anderson!

Python, Preston said, "This is the most larger snake I've ever seen!"

He is pretending that the tiger just bit him.

Prairie dog tunnels the kids had fun playing in.

Cool African music instrument.

Cool bird.

Andean Condor behind us. They have a 10 foot wing span and are the largest flying birds in the world.

A Wallaby

Preston, Eva, and Avery holding hands. Aren't they adorable. That is the carousel they got to go on, in front of them.

Lovely Ellie.

Ellie playing with another younger sibling. She thought he was cool.

Looking at Hyenas.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Preston Learning to Write

Preston is learning to write. He loves it. The last time we tried learning his name, he wasn't very interested in trying it out (about 4 months ago). Now, he wants to write all the time. He loves copying the words from books onto his own paper. He loves learning how to write all the different letters. He can write P, H, O and T without looking at them. He wrote a note to daddy that said, PHOTOTOPPPHHOOTPHPHPH and he said that he wrote, "To Daddy, From Preston. I love you." He keeps asking me how to write words without looking at them. He is frustrated that he doesn't know how to actually SPELL yet. It is pretty cute. I am proud of him for how fast his little left hand has taken off. I have been apprehensive about teaching him because he is left-handed and I don't know how left-handers work. But, he just continues to prove that he doesn't really need me to do much. He can handle anything and learn anything. Just give him time and he will be writing his own letters to his grandmas and aunts and uncles! Go, Preston, go!

This bottom one says "Spiderman"

Most Recent Pictures of Ellie

At the temple, where else? She was being extremely cute and happy and if I had a real camera, there would have been about 40 more great shots. Good thing I don't have a real camera, huh? Anywho, enjoy the cuteness that is Ellie.