Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Walk to the Temple

I love everyone of these photos. They are just showing their adorable personalities in every shot. (Ok, and some I like just because of the cute dress). But definitely a successful photo shoot. Ellie is not pictured as much as she deserves because I wanted to keep her warm in the stroller. Enjoy!

Arts and Crafts

We were inspired by a book at the library to do some paper art, just tearing paper and pasting to make pictures. Our ideas were also somewhat inspired by Tangled, as well as Batman and cool moving objects.

Rapunzel's tower and the floating lights, by Mom.
Batman, by Dad.

Rapunzel's tower in daylight, by Preston.

A Rocket with launch tower, by Preston.

This is on its side. It is Eva's Batman, and the first blob (on the bottom) is a pool, the other blob is the ocean. That is what she said.

Flynn Rider, Preston Hunter. All by himself. He has a belt and the thing on top is his hair, not a hat.

From left to right, a window, Preston, a dog, Rapunzel and stairs. Eva did the stairs all by herself. She tore the piece of paper and said, "Look! Stairs! Stairs!" She pasted them on to get up to Rapunzel's tower. Preston pretty much made the Preston by himself, but Eva said it was Preston, not a prince or Flynn Rider.

Airplane, Preston Hunter.

A Rocket launch pad and tower, Preston Hunter. Preston did this by himself, 100%. I was really impressed. The launch tower to the side of the rocket Preston described as, "the place where the guys make sure the rocket doesn't go before they count to ten." He will be a rocket scientist one day for sure!!!

This was originally a train. but once made, Preston said it was a submarine.

We had a lot of fun!