Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday

Our Easter Sunday was filled with lots of fun. Eva was beautiful in a pink dress and Preston had a ton of fun egg hunting. It took him awhile to get the concept that he should keep looking for more eggs instead of just opening and consuming the ones that he had already found.
We are so grateful for Easter Sunday, for Jesus Christ's ressurection and our ability to come closer to Him through His atonement. We are grateful for doctrine that allows us to be together forever. This past week a member of our ward died after battling cancer. His wife is left alone here on earth, but because of Christ she will not grieve without hope. She can have hope to be with her husband again. I am so thankful to be with my family and know that they are the most important work that I have here on earth.
These flowers smell so nice!
It is windy -- I can't even open my eyes, much less smile!

Almost smiling -- Happy Easter!

Preston already enjoying his Easter Eggs.

Easter Egg Hunting is too fun to take a potty break!

Even after he wets himself he does not want to stop egg hunting and go change!

Having fun Egg hunting with cousins!

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