Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Little Excerpts of Preston's Conversations

Preston riding his bike from the top of the driveway to the bottom:
"On marks, get set, GO!"

Preston hears Eva crying:
"You dropped your car, Eva. Eva, you dropped your car!" He climbs under the desk and retrieves it. "Here you go, Eva." Eva cries louder. (The car was not the problem).

We were about to go to Logan with Grandma Hunter. I told him she was going to drive because she was big enough. He goes up to Grandma Hunter: "Grandma, ready to go! Ready to go! You drive. I too little."

Talking to me, out of the blue in the car: "Mommy, Preston a good boy?" I assured him that he is.

I asked him what he did in Nursery. He always says "played ball, snacks, crackers and water." Then, the other day he said, "sang songs on the carpet." Then, even later, he says to me "sang song: Book of Mormon Stories" -- while doing the motion that they taught him for the song. Then, I asked him to tell daddy what song they sang in nursery and he says "popcorn popping on the tree, with the glasses" showing us the motion of making his hands into glasses over his eyes. He knows more than I ever figure out that he knows.

More later, just didn't want to forget those ones.

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