While putting Preston to bed last night I gave him his usual directions: "Stay in bed or you will lose your light." (He has his closet light on at night). So, through the monitor I hear him playing in his room, talking to himself and moving things around. I am pretty sure that he is out of bed. About an hour after I put him to bed, he is still playing around. So I go to his room and open the door while saying "Are you out of your bed?!"
I turn to look at him and he is tip-toeing on the edge of his bed, reaching over to the cabinet next to his bed, opening the drawers and pulling stuff out. He looks at me and then quickly glances down at his feet. Then he says, happily, "I'm in bed!" Sure enough, his little toes were still touching his mattress. I just laughed. What determination! He stayed in bed and did not lose light and got to play.
Lately, Preston is Buzz Lightyear. He really enjoys flying around. He is often quoting Toy Story 2, whether Buzz's lines or others. "You killed my father!" "I promise you will come out of the box!" "I still have an owner!" are some of the lines he has perfected. He got boots for the winter and they are "boots like Woody!" They have Buzz Lightyear on them and I caught him pretending that "Andy" was written on the bottom of his shoe. He often tells me after I say "Preston" to "say Buzz Lightyear, mommy."
Eva says "I love you" with her eyes. After I give her something she wants or say "I love you" to her she will shut her eyes really tight together and smile her biggest smile. Definitely her way of saying "I love you too." It is quite adorable, but very random. I am trying to get it on camera.
She also is starting to walk more frequently, taking steps between furniture and being more willing to walk between KeriAnn, Uncle Kevin, Daddy and Mommy (and Preston)! She is doing awesome.
Yesterday she ate with a spoon and bowl of yogurt all by herself. She had a great time and some of it went in her mouth.
That's all for now!
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