Wednesday, September 1, 2010

August 29th 2010 8:11 AM: Elisabeth London Hunter

Here are some pictures of Ellie's first moments on earth! She was born after ten hours of painful labor (and two weeks of painful contractions that did nothing)! We worked hard to get her here. Daddy helped mommy a lot during labor, basically massaging my back for four hours straight. She arrived on Sunday morning. She is so beautiful...

This is our first moment with her. Daddy was sitting behind me, massaging me and helping me push Ellie out. So, here we are all together just moments after her birth. We are so lucky to have Ellie!

Exactly 7 lbs. 15 oz. And PERFECT!

Ellie being held by a nurse right after birth.

Me holding Ellie in the delivery room, exhausted.

Daddy with Ellie. Look how small she looks!

Elisabeth London Hunter, Ellie, finally decided to come. She was stubborn and didn't show up until her due date. Yep. Born right on time. August 29th, 2010 at 8:11 AM. She was 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 22 1/2 inches long. She came with some gorgeous dark brown locks of hair and eyes that look like they might stay blue. She is an angel and we are so happy to have her with us now.

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