Friday, November 12, 2010

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

I just watched this video. It was inspirational to me. I loved seeing the genuine answers that people gave to what they were thankful for. It is a question that doesn't stump anyone. I love that. We live in a country where everyone has something to be thankful for. We live in a beautiful world.

I wanted to add a list of my own, in the spirit of Thanksgiving:

my family (immediate and extended)
my home
Jesus Christ
the gospel in my home
my husband, who holds the priesthood
my space heater
the trees, flowers and grass
the rain
my health
my husband's health
our newest baby and her health and good attitude
WinCo, our local grocery store
time to think
Christmas time
computers and other technology that connects me with family
the testimonies of others that strengthen mine
Murrieta Valley High School
my teachers

and I am thankful for having so many things to thankful for that I cannot list them all.

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