Monday, March 2, 2009

Preston Starts Potty Training

Today was the first official day of potty training for Preston. We went through 10 pairs of underwear and one diaper. He went potty on the potty twelve times. He really has to pee a lot! He would usually pee a little bit in his underwear first and then finish on the potty. He was very proud when he went poo poo on the potty. He exclaimed with surprise as "more poo poo" came out.

This morning after a complete miss, he came to me with his pants soaked through and said, "my potty!" After I had cleaned him up and put on new underwear and pants he tells me "I shi shi na ground!" Which is Portuguese/English for "I went pee pee on the ground." And then he led me to the spot on the floor where there was a little puddle of pee.

Potty training is an incredible new adventure. He often wants to "call grandma!" after every successful attempt.

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