Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Preston Stories

I was feeding Eva and Preston decided to go outside. The backdoor is usually locked, but Grandma had just let the dogs in, so it was unlocked. Preston opened the door and went out, but then could not get back in (it is harder to push the door then pull it for some reason). So he kept shouting at me (he could see me through the glass door), "Stuck in here mommy! Stuck in here!" I just shouted, "You'll have to wait until Eva is done eating." That seemed to satisfy him and he went away from the door and played around in the backyard. A minute or so later he comes up to the door holding something up in his hand. I can't tell what he has, but he shouts "I go potty mommy!" and sure enough he is standing bare-bummed in the backyard with his wet pants in hand. He continued to shout "I go potty mommy!" until I got to the door and let him in.

Preston has some new phrases. When we ask, "What does Grandma say?" He responds, "I love you." in his most girly voice. When asked "What does Grandpa say?" He responds, "Where's my boy?" in the lowest voice he can manage.

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