Friday, May 7, 2010

Preston quotes

Preston saw a picture of a newborn crying. He asked, "Why is the baby crying?"
Mommy: "Because it is hard to be born."
Preston: "Why is it hard to be born?"
Mommy: "Because the baby has to be squished through a tiny tunnel to get out of the mommy's tummy."
Preston: "You have a tunnel in you? A tunnel that the baby comes out?"
Mommy: "Yep."

Then, the next day he had this conversation:

Daddy said, "Mommy has a cute tummy because there is a little baby girl in it."

Preston says, "And then there will be two girls and I will have another sister. And I can hold her."

So cute! Then he proceeded to say, "I will get to hold her after she comes out the tunnel."

He just catches on to everything and doesn't forget a word!

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